ASR Trade Show Fall '99

I arrived at Newark International Airport with plenty of time to kill.
Not only was I there an hour early but our flight had been delayed for
about two hours because the crew was m.i.a. Everyone was just sitting
around trying to pass the time in anyway possible. Surprisingly I saw
some familiar faces. I had underestimated our idle East Coast riders and thought they might have stayed home due to the lack of publicity they seem to be getting. But there were the likes of Anthony Correa, Harold (Hunter), (Jeff) Pang, and some of the Rookie girls, all heading to San Diego.
Arriving in San Diego couldn't have taken any longer. After getting our bags we went straight to the hotel and to sleep. Due to the time change I woke up a lot earlier than necessary.
Today was a big day 9.9.99. The show was quite impressive. Sole
Technology's booth was real nice with big pictures of their riders
covering the outside. By Saturday they didn't look quite the same after
Muska's "Writers Bench" crew whirled through their neighborhood. Axion and DC both had bi-level booths with very sleek interiors.  The company that seemed to steal the show was Circa. Their booth had 2 levels as well plus a live DJ. If you walked by at the right time you could see "The Muska" with ghetto blaster in hand and a pair of protective basketball goggles donned. Circulating around "The Muska" at all times were two different crews, The Writers Bench Graffiti crew and the Break Dance crew. Let me tell you this was a sight to see.
My personal favorite was the Blitz Distribution (AKA Birdhouse) booth. They had 2 flat screen televisions that played premieres of the up and coming Flip video, Baker Bootleg, Birdhouse, Hook-ups, and the Firm videos. The Flip footage was amazing; Rowley was darksliding picnic tables, Penny was doing switch backside five-o backside 270's out on some mini in Copenhagen, and Ali was actually skating.
They also held demos all weekend on the street course and vert ramp.
Most of the big names in vert were in Rhode Island at the Gravity Games due to the lack of care that goes into major corporation scheduling. I figured that it was more fun playing Playstation with Geoff Rowley in California then to watch him skate in Rhode Island. In terms of the demos the peewees sure stole the show. Just picture 9 year old Ryan Sheckler doing things you only dream about. Another little kid that is by far ahead of his time is Andrew Gordon. He rides for Flip and is from Toronto. I'm talking kickflip backside lipslides and nollie frontside kickflip boardslides, every time.
Two major premiers that went down this weekend were "The Element World Tour," and the long anticipated Osiris video, "The Storm." The Element video proved to be nothing less than extraordinary. Dan Wolfe has mastered the fine art of the VX1000 and Media 100.  The Storm was definitely good don't get me wrong, but in my mind they should have spent a little more time on the video and a little less on promotion. The tricks get repetitious when filmed on very similar spots. All in all the show was great. New product was unveiled, new people were met, and new skaters were "discovered." Now all I have to do is find a ticket for February.

-Michael Raphael

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