> Six months ago Seth and I began talks about starting a small format black and white magazine called the journal. Several times a week we met in the coffee shop and started brainstorming. We thought a lot about the journal's image and decided that we wanted something different than what was already being published. > There were already thousands of publications out there, why did we want to bring another one into the world?
> There was a lot of talk about the journal's image. One thing became apparent, we weren't going to half step. We wanted to put out something that related to the people that we knew, and those like them. Snowboarding, skateboarding, music produce a culture with creative ability, the journal is for them.
> Three months ago endless pages of scribbled notes on paper, slides, scanned images, and voice recording tapes turned into something concrete with the release of our first journal ìentry 00î. Copies of the journal were read around the east coast and selected parts of the U.S.A.
> Its now three months later, with the release of entry 01 (the issue in your hand) the journal has gotten better and gained a little weight along the way. Take a good look at the contents, the contributing photographers, the writers and the artists in entry 01. These are the things that make the journal stand up to its competition. the journal isn't here to jump in and jump out, we're in it for the long run.-Michael Nevin
Nevin, another face in the underground. Camera: Seth Butlerentry01
>the management >illusion >TAMPAAM >f.stop >SuperPipe? >Ed Templeton NYC >Beatbox >In Focus >the end
the journal ©2000 Black Box Projects All Rights Reserved.
the journal is a Black Box Project it is time . . . welcome
to the movement.