Ben Paterson dwarved by his sculpture. Camera: Nick IlyiadesBen Paterson was born in Wales, lived in MD for several years and then moved to Cape Cod. Currently he resides in Beverly, MA where he is enrolled at Montserrat College of Art as a Senior Fine Arts Major. Ben has always had something creative going on, whether it be skateboarding, snowboarding, playing guitar and singing for his band Carrying Seventyfour or Art Making. He is doing great things with welding right now: sometimes mixed with found objects. Ben is working on a body of work called the Chair Series at the moment, which consists of tall skinny chairs, which look as they might fall over at any second, but are in fact quite stable. Ben plans to take time after school to devote to his Music and Art Making full time while staying afloat in the work-a-day world. I imagine you will be seeing much more of Ben in the time to come. -Seth Butler

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