The Millennium is upon us, and with it the reality of how we live and breathe may see abrupt change. Technology is taking over, creating more cubicle farms for the populous on a daily basis. The ability for communication is growing exponentially with the onslaught of the internet and the computer generation. In turn the power of the media gains.
*Today - 10, 500 of us will take a first independent breath - 5,800 of us will take our last - 260,000 billboards will scream past on the way to work - 11,520 newspapers and magazines could be company on lunch break - 162,000,000 televisions will entertain us for 7 hours a piece. Every day in America thousands of pages are flipped through, millions of images are scanned by our eyes; all of us looking for simple identity in a world of chaos and false media empowerment.
Our society is blitzed by artificial media from all directions and with that, values and motivations are skewed towards dreams that are fast becoming plastic illusions. The media projects upon us glamour, cheer, prosperity & perfection in an attempt to mold us into a "fulfilled" existence ruled by the almighty dollar. We are blinded to believe that we lead the grand life in a day where most have little or nothing to hold on to but a frayed thread of the American Dream. We live a life controlled by the influence of media and it's subconscious power over our every thought.-Seth Butler
1. Daily Birth & Death Rate of Americans 1987- The National Service for Health Satsistics.
2. Billboards- Institute for Outdoor Advertising.
3. Periodicals- Directory of Publications (Gale Research Company 1989)
4. Television Sets- People Weekly Extra "Television's 50th Anniversary" (Special Supplement Summer 1989)
5. TV Viewing Time- Trends in Viewing (New York Television Bureau of Advertising 1989)

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the journal is a Black Box Project it is time . . . youth
shall be heard.