story: Shem Roose


Lenhardt tests his wings. Camera: Jesse Loomis


How many multi-talented people do you know? How many of those people excel in each one of the activities they participate in? It's an enriching experience to meet someone like this and even more so to develop a close friendship with him or her. I have been blessed with a few friendships like this one of those friends is Scott Lenhardt.


> Scott is a multi-talented young man from Rupert, Vermont. Some of the activities he participates in come effortlessly, like painting and playing bass guitar in the bands Butt Pie, Gateway, Threshold, the Shushan Solution, Keys of Merlin, and Acoustechnology. By the way, all of these names are trademarked.

Sketchbook Exhibit B

> I first met Scott snowboarding at Bromley Mountain around 1991. Scott and his best friend Jesse Loomis called themselves "Team Squaab" because Jesse drove an old Saab and they had a large plastic squid sitting on the dashboard. One of my earliest memories of Scott aside from his strong snowboarding talent was seeing a home video that he and Jesse made. The footage consisted of Scott wearing a Gorilla suit and Jesse in a Bunny Suit. They were jumping on a trampoline and had dubbed over some high-speed mariachi music. It seemed strange to me that they would create something like thisbut they lived in a very small town. It was strange, but it was funny as hell too. I knew immediately that Scott Lenhardt was not like the rest of us.

"a gentle bird with a wing span the size of texas..."-Randy Geatano

> Scott Lenhardt has sailed the seas, or lakes maybe, and has seen the Seven Wonders of the World. Scott graduated from high school in 1994. He went on to the Maine College of Art for two years, studied in Florence,Italy for three months, went on to Parsons in the big apple for one year, and returned to Maine and finished his schooling with a BFA in printmaking

Sketchbook Exhibit A


> Currently, Scott is residing in the beautiful little town where he grew up. Scott's creations bloomed from his mother's encouragement and boredom since there weren't a lot of other kids to play with. Just up the road from Scott's house is Sherman's general store. Scott recently converted the loft above the old general store to serve as his studio and is working on a series of new graphics for Burton Snowboards including the second signature model by half-pipe wizard Ross Powers.

"Blooming from boredom and an inheritance of his mothers creativity, Scott's work reflects the rural inhabitants and landscapes of Vermont"-Kevin Wilkins

> Scott Lenhardt loves El Caminos, Stewarts Milkshakes, The Dark Crystal, Butt-Pie, old style running shoes, Ween, red wine, playing bass guitar, Dune, Glebelands, drawing, painting, air-brushing, basketball, tubing down the Battenkill river, Lake Bomoseen, his family and their dogs and cats, Wu Tang Clan, photography, making videos (usually about a teenage werewolf know as Johnny Fullmoon), Sherman's general store, barking at the moon, HSA, long walks on the beach, Mimosas, and making people laugh. -Shem Roose



[click here]

> 7 signs of the Apocalypse:Evan Rose
> Untitled-1:Jason Brown


entry02 >the_management >nasdaq_tip >illusion >Andy_Mac >the_powers_that_be
>f.stop >retroboard >u.s. open >pandamonium >Beatbox >product|media-tion
>In Focus >the_unsaid_everything >the end

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the journal is a Black Box Project­ it is time . . . art is life.