For 2001 Jetsetters | clothing by Volcom Stone.


Lightwgt. Plaid | short sleeve button down.


Handle with Care | 100% Cotton Tshirt


Dress shirt: Short sleeve | anti-corpo button down.
Tshirt: Fabric of the American Dream |100% Cotton.
Denim: Wray Gun | triple stitch britches


Youth Against Establishment | Volcom
PO Box 3663
Newport Beach, CA




Cold Fluffer/Jared Slater/Blue Couch Labs

East Coast talent meets West Coast terrain in full fledged 16mm extravaganza. Although this production lacks the cliff lines and multitude of powder turns that might put it in Mack Dawg's arena it makes up for the missing freeriding in all-out crazy antics. This is by far the best east coast video to grace the phosphors of your television screen. A diverse and hard driving sound track joined with progressive freestyle riding remind you why Nor'easters need to know how to hold an edge. Complete with a death metal bail section and a Social Distortion credit montage "the Fluffer" will be coming to a town near you (Fluffer phone: [802] 457.2307) -Seth Butler








Modus Operandi/Ty Evans and Jon Holland/Tranworld Media

Last year I went to the premier for The Reason, Transworld's ninth video. The crazy atmosphere accentuated the intensity of that video. Just the other day in my living room I watched Modus Operandi, Transworld's tenth video. I didn't need a certain atmosphere to tell me that Chany Jeangenins frontside halfcab heelflip down ten stairs is insane. Also Mike Carroll is a master, his part is truly polished; the first line in his section will leave you wondering what just happened. We may all end up seeing the Transworld videos, but in case that you weren't planning on it you should go ahead and find this one.-Jason E. Osborne







The Colliseum Project/Arty and Matt/Colliseum Skate Shop

Every once in a while a video comes out that reminds us why skateboarding is fun. The full length Colliseum video is one of them. The video shows a breed of Boston skaters who haven't gotten much coverage but probably will in the future. The video also has a pro section with cameos by everyone from Rick McCrank to Kareem Cambell. My favorite part of the video comes close to the end with P.J. Ladd's section. P.J. skates technical and smooth, I'm sure you'll be seeing more of him. To get this video you'll have to call the Colliseum but it's well worth it (Colliseum Phone [781] 662­3400). -Michæl Nevin




entry02 >the_management >nasdaq_tip >illusion >Andy_Mac >the_powers_that_be
>f.stop >retroboard >u.s. open >pandamonium >Beatbox >product|media-tion
>In Focus >the_unsaid_everything >the end

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