Eric Pena destroys like a krook. Camera: Michael
Nevin Eric Pena 17 years Gloucester, MA life: Life is silly, you just gotta enjoy it. hiphop: The best music. skateboarding: The way of life. McDonalds[previous employer]: sucks. ledges: Better than rails. girls: Definitely a must. peace: It's good but it will never happen (world peace). art: Art is everywhere -Michael Nevin
Sequence: Eerik Ilves fills his quota of Backside 360's on another icy snow mound.
Killington, VT. Camera: Tim Zimmerman
Left: Eerik goin' for broke. Stowe, VT. Right: Eerik dons the Panda.
Camera: Tim ZimmermanEerik Ilves isn't from Scandanvia, but between his name and his snowboarding ability, he very well could be. Anyone who knows Eerik could tell you that he is one of the most promising all-around riders to come out of Killington in recent history. However, he would be the last one to let you know. While he kicks himself over putting his hand down on a switch seven-twenty, he is also awing everyone in sight of the miniscule snow mounds that Vermont resorts happen to call jumps.
> He was born in Canada and raised outside of Albany, NY, Eerik has spent the last few seasons at Killington. He is now bound for British Columbia, where he will take on the soontobe pro snowboarder task of demoboy, as well as
attending University of British Columbia in Vancouver. In case you ever run into Eerik on the hill, and he happens to cut you off, I can assure you, he's "SÔREY". -Brooke Geery
Life: Skateboarding, family, school.
Creativity: The most important thing in skateboarding. It's probably what's lacking most in the new breed. Kids seem to be trying the tricks that can get them instant credibility without ever really taking time to learn what feels good to them. It might be a reaction to the growing number of people in skateboarding and how mainstream it's becoming. I see kids at the skatepark and dad's there coaching them like "Do an air! You have to learn airs!"
Skateboarding: Has gone from a hobby to a lifestyle to an affliction. All I think about is Skateboarding. I do it everyday. I'm hurt all the time, I love it.
Anvils: My grandfather could grab an anvil with one hand and lift it straight up over his head. He was a big man. He had a hundred dollars for anyone else who could do it, no one ever did.
Pianos: Sorry.
Travel: Maybe one of the best parts of skateboarding. It keeps things from getting stale. Sometimes I think I do it too much, I spent a week at home this summer. but as soon as someone's like "wanna go?" I'm packing.
Mainstream: I guess it's good I know there's supposed to be a debate about it but there just isn't. There's more kooks at the skateparks, but there's more skateparks too. It's good and bad I suppose. I can remember being the only skater at my high school and getting in fights because of it. Now I go to that town and half the kids skate.
Dog: My best friend in the world. She died when I went away to college.
Human: Consumers.
Individual: Anyone who has their own thing going-especially in a sport as dominated by trends as skateboarding-is genius.
Truth: When I was a little kid I got in a fight on the playground and the kid I was fighting pulled a branch off a willow tree to hit me with. It was seriously against the rules to pull branches off the tree, but I had to protect myself. I picked one up off the ground to defend myself. I thought I was in the clear because I didn't start the fight and I didn't mess with the tree, but I wasn't. The principle didn't care at all and I got detention. That experience changed my life.
Youth: I never want to grow up. I seriously almost cried on my eighteenth birthday.
Music: The biggest catastrophe of my life. I'm a musical genius that happens to be tone deaf. I tried I swear; drums, saxophone, guitar I'm a failure. I love music, I have over two hundred CDs. Everything from Johnny cash and Minor Threat to Bon Jovi and Method Man.
Nor'easter: I love it here. I go to California and get worse at skateboarding. It's a different environment. The northeast has produced some of the best skaters in history. Dan Drehobl, Donny Barley, Sean sheffey the East Coast definitely rules.
Art: Skateboarding.
Style: It's not what you do, it's how you do it. Does it come from your heart or are you just trying to impress someone? It shows. Don't be a flying onion, don't try and fake the style, you will only look like a fool.
Importance: My family, my friends, being true to myself.
10 yr.: I'll never make it to thirty-one. I swore I was middle aged when I hit twelve.
Support: Tons of it. My parents especially, Adam Clarke, Gary Smith, Roger Bagley and everyone in Boston. Sean Cronan, Frank Hirata, June Cate, Rob Washburn and all the kids that I see in the city of Hartford. All my sponsors: Optimis Skateboards, Hurricane Alloy, Reds Bearings, SMP Clothing, and Duffs Shoes.
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