Above: Signs, Signs, Everywhere the signs.
Old EI ritual breathes new life into sticker-dom. Camera:Michael Nevin
Above: Did anyone see Abe Teter run up the height-o-meter at the Open? Camera:Seth Butler
Shaun White
riding:7 years of 13
home:Snow Summit
shelter:San Diego, CA
fun:snowboarding, skateboarding, surfing, sushi?
Shaun pulled in the title of 1998 USASA overall champion and has been turning heads ever since. He is a bright eyed energetic laughing thirteen year old who keeps pushing the limits for people his age. Here are a few words with him ...
> Do you like it here on the East Coast?
Oh yeah. It's great out here, kinda cold (laughter)but fun.
> How did you get where you are in snowboarding?
Ahh, I just tried my best and ya' knowit's turned out pretty good. I just have fun with it.
> What do you do for school?
I just took two months off school because I have been doing a bunch of competitions, but now I am going backpretty soon.
> Is there anything you would want to change about the way competitions go down?
Not really, I just wish that people would have fun. Seems like they areso I'm pretty stoked.
> If you could do one thing, how would you change the world that we live in?
I don't knowjust don't pollute the water. I just started surfing and they closed off our beachpeople just polluted it.
> Is there anyone you would like to thank?
Jake Burton, Jay Twitty, Willy from Volcom, Josh Green from Arnette and all those guys.
Left: Anne Molin's method carries style, much more than corporate banners, X-treme popparrazzi and spectators in snowmobile chic get up. Camera: Tim Zimmerman
Right: Colin Langois-the panther-an after hours method to fakie. Camera: Seth Butler
Above: A spiritual moment with Michi Albin. Camera: Mike Ponte
I met Rob Carr on June 16, 1999. I can remember this because it was orientation weekend for Plymouth State College. I was walking downtown, when I watched Rob skateboard down a hill, directly into Main Street, and more notably, into a car. It was then and there I decided that this was someone I needed to be friends with.
> Once school actually started, I tried to hang out with Rob whenever possible. He loved to skateboard and was always down for a session. He also went on crazy camping trips in the bitter cold, and did not hesitate to jump the 70-foot cliff at Livermore, Plymouth's local waterhole. This is the way he was, always down for anything, and basically insane.
> During the winter, Rob was at the mountain everyday, this was what he really loved. The crazy thing was, he didn't snowboard, but he actually managed to make skiing cool. He could ski faster than anyone I'd ever met. Rob had passion for everything he did, and the fact that other people thought his favorite activities were crazy didn't even faze him. This made him one of the most fun people to hangout with I'd ever known.
> Rob went to the US Open this year to watch the contest and generally have a good time. On Friday night, after the final big air jumper had landed, he and his friend Jake dug themselves a snow cave in which they were going to spend the night. Most of their friends, including Rob's younger brother Chris were sleeping in cars and campers in the parking lot, but the two wanted to sleep in the cave. They were both experienced in making snow caves, and the one they produced was perfect. It was in a snow bank next to one of Stratton's parking lots.
> However, even the best snow cave can't survive when it has snow dumped on top of it, and this is precisely what happen. It was routine parking lot maintenance gone wrong. Neither Rob or Jake survived the collapse of their temporary home, and at 18 and 19 years old respectively, their lives were cut short. Even though I'd met Rob for less than a year earlier, I'm so glad I got a chance to know him.
-Brooke Geery
>the_management >nasdaq_tip >illusion >Andy_Mac >the_powers_that_be
>f.stop >retroboard >u.s. open >pandamonium >Beatbox >product|media-tion
>In Focus >the_unsaid_everything >the end
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